Does Anyone Know How to Single-task?

  • Unless I’m about to fall off the bed from sleep-deprivation, I’m either writing or reading while I nurse.
  • If I’m snuggling my girls during one of their movies, I’m often looking at a book or the newspaper too.
  • I talk on the phone while helping my girls with a new craft project
  • And I’m usually “wearing” at least one of my kids half the day while I do everything else.

I was just reading another one of those savor-every-moment posts somewhere, and wondered how I can quit doing so much at once. I actually do have snippits in my day where I am with only one child.

I want to make the most of that.

But how do I fight the “withdrawal” or pull, back to mindlessly established patterns?

I’m starting with prayer tonight, but beyond that, I’m really not sure.

5 thoughts on “Does Anyone Know How to Single-task?

  1. Single-tasking is ALL I know how to do and it frustrates those who love me very very much because they have to be extremely patient, call my name and make sure I look at them for a good few minutes to get my mind off the track it was just on.

    I sometimes fear I’m going to be an all-too-absent-minded mother.

  2. You’re in the same boat that I am (or I was in the same boat as you–my youngest will be 6)

    You need some mommy time all by yourself.

    Careful planning will do it. So I have learned.

    Blessings on your weekend, AmyJane!

  3. Amy, thanks for the visit to my blog. I’ve enjoyed stopping over and “meeting” you! I think multi-tasking is the nature of the beast that is motherhood. I mean that in a good way. You simply don’t often have the luxury of enjoying one long continuous train of thought when your kids are small. But for me, multitasking can become a habit that I do when I don’t really need to. I blogged about this last week I think. See, I can’t remember when because I’m too unfocused. (sigh)

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