Conflict (NaNo Prep 20)

Most of us know by this point in the game that fiction is about conflict. If there is no conflict, there is no story.

Romance Elements (NaNo Prep 16)

Love is everything it is cracked up to be. That’s why people are so cynical about it… It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more. — Erica Jong

Plot Structures: The Heroine’s Journey (NaNo Prep 14)

One significant observation is that this heroine being transformed does not mean that society is. There are still ogres and tyrants surrounding her, but she is better equipped now both to face those enemies, and to guide others into their own strength, even one by one.

Plot Structures: The Hero’s Journey (NaNo Prep 13)

Even though I say I’m using Hero “just” as MC, I think we should all understand the the reason there’s a story about these people is that they are heroic: proactive, admirable and/or memorable.

Message in a Novel (NaNo Prep 11)

Fiction supplies the only philosophy that many readers know; it establishes their ethical, social, and material standards; it confirms them in their prejudices or opens their minds to a wider world. The influence of any widely read book can hardly be overstated. — Dorthea Brande