Just thought I’d mention what I’ve been doing with my computer time this last week.
I’ve totally shifted from Blogs to research. Yup. I spent {I won’t tell you how much} time on the BehindTheName website digging up appropriate names for my new creations, and creating a virtual stack of 3x5s with my story progression on them.
It’s felt really cool. I never did do a play-by-play mock-up for my swan story, and now I’m all inspired to do it.
But that will probably wait until December. Or maybe not… I’ve recently met another gal who is also interested in writing YA, and we will be discussing current stories tomorrow. The Lindorm folder can’t count as current, since I haven’t actually written any of it yet. So I’ll have to shift stories again for that.
But… Knowing me, all I really have to do is research/outline/read a little bit, and I’ll be neck-deep in it again.
I honestly don’t know how I have more than one interest in my life, since I immerse so much in whatever the current project is. I’m always saying (usually to Jay), “This is so exciting!” I’m always loving whatever project I’m working on.
At one time I thought having this many interests and foci made me flaky. Now I’ve decided that my focus must be a bit like “mother love.”
There’s always room for one more. ;o)
The list I ended up with from Name-surfing has been more useful than I can say: especially with my idiosyncratic need for the *right* name or word before I can “move on.”
Having a nearly encyclopedic collection of options I’ve been able to find what I need every time a new character emerges. It’s totally cemented (in my mind) a forever first-step of future novels: I need words and names collected before I start.
e.g., I’ve changed my main character’s name (at least) three times now. I would have lost *so* much time on-line or elsewhere if I didn’t have alternates to hand that fit her as she grew.