Don’t miss it!

October is Pastor Appreciation Month.  And even though it’s almost over doesn’t mean it’s ever too late for a thank-you card.


I just finished making the cards I’ll be giving out at church tomorrow, so if you’re itching for something nice to say to a church-leader (or his/her long-suffering spouse) I might have a suggestion for you.

As the daughter of church musicians I feel very strongly that they too should be included in this time of acknowledgment and thanks, along with their families.  All that time pastors spend preparing for sermons, counseling, and being “on-call” is time taken away from their families.

Yes, it’s a calling, and we trust God to provide strength in all situations, but no leader is immune to the encouragement of a genuine thank you.

Please don’t forget.

This entry was posted in Advice.

2 thoughts on “Don’t miss it!

  1. That’s really nice. Oh check my blog on Tuesday and Wednesday I’m doing a book give away. This book is autographed by the author. It’s Christian fiction. Also there will be a podcast with the author and we discuss DV.

  2. My sister-in-law has been videotaping a series of special services her inner-city church is doing for pastor appreciation. I thought it was something just her church was doing, but it’s good to know there’s a recognized month for pastor appreciation. It’s certainly an under-appreciated job! I’ll be writing some notes to our pastors this afternoon.

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