Celebration of Miscellanea

My laptop is back.

But it’s not.

I was shipped a new (refurbished) machine instead of my old one (poor dear must have been too far gone), and one of the results of getting a new machine is that it is compatible with a recently released *illuminated keyboard.*

Believe-you-me we ordered it right away, and Jay just installed it tonight. Way. beyond. cool.

So the book-cataloging software is all that’s left, right?

Well, I’ve just picked one because I got tired of comparing them, and I have the scanning gun to speed the inputting process on those books that have bar codes.

A rough, unscientific, scanning of my shelves indicates a 50/50 split (I have a lot of old and/or jacketless books), but I still think this device was worth buying.  I inputted maybe a dozen ISBNs to experiment with before I had the scanner, and those took more time and focus than the 32 I popped in tonight to see how the scanner works.

Anyway, I have one more book-buying spree on my calendar (Kids’ books are half-off next week), then I expect the rigorous reality of school to fill up all our time.

All we need now are boxes small enough to lift when full of books, and they will be quietly packed away until called for.

And I don’t think I’ve yet said it here, but I’ve lost nearly 13 pounds this summer.  I finally passed the point where I could feel the difference myself, rather than just seeing it in my clothes.

My mom’s been saying for weeks that she could see the change, but she doesn’t see me every day…

Yes, I’m celebrating.  God is good.

4 thoughts on “Celebration of Miscellanea

  1. Thanks, Blue. It honestly feels unreal– I’m out of all my old pants, too, and the “new” stuff I’m wearing is nice but unfamiliar.

    I hadn’t though before about how much I was used to my established “wardrobe,” how I reached for *that* pair of pants when I wanted back pockets for a project…

    But this change is so worth it!
    In other news:

    I lost the laptop again this morning: the hard drive in the new machine is malfunctioning, so they’re sending us a new one.

    This is appropriate and responsible, but means another delay in my own usable machine.

  2. Congratulations! That is something to be proud of, 13 pounds is not little. I bought a pair of pants this weekend that actually fit! I had been holding off on it since I’m still losing but I figured 1 pair would be nice to have. I’m using belts and stuff to keep my pants up so it makes dressing interesting. Keep it up!

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