Great title, right?
I’ve been asked to craft a 5-minute speech to deliver at my mom’s church on Mother’s Day. I don’t know yet if I’m doing it, because I don’t know if I have 5-minutes worth of material.
That sounds bad, sorry.
There’s good reason for me to give this speech. There’s probably lots to say, but at this moment, before I’ve struck a structure, I do not have the differentiation to know how much of this is from her, how much is from the them (both my parents) and how much I’ve extrapolated and combined from all the observing and reading I’ve done in the last 15 years.
I’m so literal-minded those distinctions actually matter to me.
And, also, how can I talk about what my mom did right without, basically, elevating myself?
I’m only a good bearmaker if my bears turn out well, right?
How else should I express my mom did well, than that I turned out okay?
I feel like it would be easier to talk about what a good job, say, my Mother-in-Law did, removing me one degree from the discussion.
This also reduces by some percentage the chance I will become a blubbering mess in front of a congregation that’s only seen me once before (I’ve noticed crying is my stress-response).
I should e-mail my old ToastMasters club and find out if someone there can help me with the project.
In theory I like it a great deal. In practice… We’ll see.
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