What is Boredom?

I’m cheating. This is not a post about what to do (or get your kids to do) to avoid boredom. It is a reference to an earlier post that talks more about the substance of boredom. What is boredom? Where did it come from?

I understand if you don’t want to think (abstractly?) this time of year. I hear that’s normal. Maybe the heat…? ;-)

Anyway, it is an interesting perspective (not my own, originally, it’s an excerpt from a book) and I hope you click over if the idea intrigues you.

Be sure to visit Rocks in my Dryer for a sandbox of unique ideas for summer.

Blessings on your day!

This entry was posted in Random.

3 thoughts on “What is Boredom?

  1. I heard once, and it has always stuck with me, that boredom is simply “not wanting to do what lays in front of you.” I call that up whenever I am tempted to think that I am bored. What job am I avoiding in those situations? Great post- I’ll have to check out The Angels and the Ants. Sounds intriguing.

  2. Ah, such an interesting question to pose!

    I could have listed a thousand ideas to inspire creativity in kids (okay, maybe 100), but I found myself staring at the screen thinking of much bigger questions. I suppose in a way it all boils down to your primary question: What is boredom, anyway?

    And from your Kreeft excerpt, where did it come from? When did the concept of boredom arise?

    The spiritual ramifications are fascinating.

    Thanks for making me think!

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