
In case you somehow missed the gobbbbs of buttons around bloggyland, there is a party going on over at 5 Minutes for Mom.

This is my “invite” post, to introduce myself and encourage you to take a look around.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I just had my 1st blogging anniversary on Wednesday the 28th, so I’ve been cruising through my Archives and grabbing a few representative and favorite posts from the last year.

You can find my What I’ve Learned in a Year of Blogging posts at the bottom of my About page. If you want to know the way I think, and what I write about, that’s a good place to start.

I also have begun a weekly carnival I call Tuesday Tales for storytellers and story lovers.

Feel free to poke around. My Author and About pages should give you all the context you need for what you will find here, but if you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me (details in my Author page).

*Blessings on your day, and happy blog-surfing!*

I feel a need to excuse how high I am on the list. I think 5-Minutes must be on the East Coast, because when I popped in at 8:30 Alaska-time the Mr. Linky was up. So I signed in. Slot 25.



I realized after visiting some other blogs that I never really wrote what this one is about. Words. Words, and saying what you mean; what you really want people to know.

The part in stories and movies that make me *absolutely* the. most. crazy. are the problems that arise and grow from unclear expectations and simply not talking.

The easiest kind to avoid.

My husband likes the way I think. I may bounce all over in my presentation, but I never expect him to know something I haven’t told him. We have a beautiful thing going here. For many reasons.

60 thoughts on “Invitation

  1. Stopping by to visit on my party tour! Thanks for the great intro post and Happy UBP. Visit my party if you get the chance.

  2. I LOOVE THAT “observing life, enjoying words!”

    just minlging around meeting some great women like yourself!!!

    cyah! stop by sometime!

  3. Trying to squeeze in some socialize the last official day of the party. Nice to meet you and here I go a poking around your blog :)

  4. Hi there. I stopped by because of the party. Nice to meet you. I started blogging last year to better my craft. I’ve improved a great deal and I’m consistently trying to better myself. I found your blog to be quite interesting. Please come by for a visit.

  5. Oh, I’m definitly coming back here once the pary’s over! I’ve been blogging for a few months now and am starting to feel antsy at msn live spaces, so I’m gonna check out what you think.
    I so hate when folks don’t communicate! And it bugs me when people ttry to “read between the lines” with me in an e-mail conversaation… “if I write it, I mean “it” and nothing else!” ARG! I’ll be back after I go check out a few other parties!

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