Finished Again.

I feel silly saying that.  But proud too.

My next step is to read-through everything in as few sittings as possible, to check continuity.  One of my birthday presents this year was several gift certificates for “vacation days” from Jay.  I told him tonight I’d like to ring one of those in to try and work the book in one sitting.

After that I’ll be sending the critter to another round of readers (I have two generous people who’ve volunteered to repeat.  Any other takers?), possibly including the “high-stakes” people I avoided last round– those who intimidate me a bit more– just because I need the feedback and they’ve indicated a willingness.

Pre-cleaned version is at 125,180.  And that feels quite spectacular to me.  I expected higher, but am thankful to be this low.

May cut it a bit more before sending it to the readers; that will depend on whether I can scare up one or two more THADs.

If I ever get famous enough I could do a version with the half-dozen+ “cut scenes” included– it definately makes the story more complex.  But as long as the story hangs together (Please God) I will be content with this version.

8 thoughts on “Finished Again.

  1. You should be proud. I’ve a friend who wrote a novel two years ago, but she has not been able to get through it again. Keep it going!

  2. E and D: Yes and yes (and thank you).

    I may be able to keep it “close” after all, and Lord knows I’d like that best.
    (Now to catch up on my sleep-debt so my brain is functioning properly again in time for the main event Saturday.)

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