
Saturday we had our first, long-anticipated, Third-Saturday women’s meeting. We’ve had random events and get-togethers, but now we’re trying to have a regular, monthly, meeting.

While there, Lynn, one of our quiet “older” mothers shared a beautiful memory from her childhood.

Every day, a little before her father would be home, her mother stopped whatever she was doing to prepare for his arrival. She would put on a clean dress, tidy her hair and put on a little make-up.

When the father drove in, Lynn would run to greet him and walk with him up to the house, but there was an unspoken understanding that caused her to step aside when they reached the door where her mother waited.

The husband and wife would embrace, kiss, and her father would look at her mother and say,

The reason a man works hard all day.”



3 thoughts on “Motivation

  1. That is such a lovely story-don’t you wish your dh would say that to you?

    I like your new template. It’s very contemporary. I changed templates and don’t like it. But I don’t like it less than the other one.

    Hope you’re well!

  2. Matthew and I have been working on our “coming home/end of day” routine lately, partly inspired by the Love and Respect study we did. Makes the evenings so nice when we’re both going out of our way to make our seeing each other again pleasant, something to look forward to, rather than dumping on each other and jumping into to-dos. I hope to make this an intentional thing to model for Katherine and help her anticipate Daddy’s coming home too.

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