Visiting a new blog is like jumping into the middle of a conversation; it can be fascinating and fun, or it can be overwhelming and keep you from ever returning.
I hope you’ll come back to play, so let me show you around a bit and let you know how things work around here.
I’m writing this in March of 2012, as I reboot a Story-centric focus on Untangling Tales.
At this point I have three main areas to build up in the coming months:
- Story Basics — an introductory series on beginning storytelling
- Story Weaving — a podcast of one of my Tuesday Tales (or another story I enjoy)
- Story Work — the process of investing in a story of value: either to tell (perform) or teach with
In addition I hope readers will consider contacting me (snow.ffairy (at) gmail (dot) com) to share their own Story-in-Life moments on Untangling Tales.
If you feel like browsing and seeing how my mind works you will find plenty of thinks accumulated over the last five+ years. I have narrowed the categories in the active menu to make it less cluttered, but all the original content is still present.
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Feel free to drop me an email or comment if you have any more questions I can answer.