Whether you’re starting a business, promoting your art or looking for a job, there will come a time when you need words to describe yourself.
Untangling Tales About You means taking the amazing complexity that is all of you and focusing down to the flaming point of why you are here, whichever here you choose to be in at a given moment.
This means I listen, ask questions, pick at knots from different angles, and generally serve your purpose by being a mirror for your awesome uniqueness.
The goal of this work is to leave you with a clear focus and a core of identity to work from with confidence.
Most people already know what a resume is, and I can help you assemble that.
Another, growing area of self-description is the professional bio, which this page describes at some length.
Whatever your self-description needs, I can help you find the words.
Please use the form below to get started.
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