Busy Mind, Busy Life (Reading Notes)

Jay got home Friday after a month away. I’m starting to feel re-stablized, and ready to pick up whole books again. But this has been an interesting month of idea collecting (along with overwhelm…). Every now-and-then I think I might start an INFJ blog, but then I do a bit of Googling and see there’s Continue reading →

The Brain is an Amazing Thing (Reading Notes)

Leaving aside for the moment that I agree with the people who dismiss the left-brain/right-brain distinction of analysis/logic vs. creativity/innovation, the fact remains that brain scans do allow for observation of activity within the brain. One of the things Shadow Syndromes brings up is how brain activity changes as a person moves from sadness or Continue reading →

Default Matters (Reading Notes)

I am in the early chapters of a book called Shadow Syndromes, and currently am fascinated by the concept the authors put forward that they label Noise. In the same way, they say, as all sick people are going to have a baseline of feeling cruddy (tired, confused, unmotivated, general yuck) all brain issues also Continue reading →